Leslie Traill talks about what the different planets' gravitational pulls are and how your story matters most when reading your chart. She also explains why it is good to have your chart updated throughout your life.
As children, we are conditioned to making a new start in September for the school year. New clothing, new school supplies and the promise of a wonderful and successful year. Well, why not use this positive attitude toward your life after a summer of relaxation, fun and travel.
Whether it be a new start with an existing relationship, a new start with the way you deal with your children and or spouse, a new start with your job or business or a new start on your journey of personal growth; an Astrology reading is a wonderful tool to set you on the path of success for the last quarter of the year. The information that you receive from an Astrology reading will give you an idea of the direction that you could be taking toward the success that you desire in your life. Leslie Traill talks about how the science of Astrology helps parents and kids figure things out when there seems to be something wrong. Trying to figure out should you stay or should you part ways? An Astrology reading can give you valuable insight into the timing of your relationship. Find out how an astrology reading helped one person find a job after a long search and what YOU can learn about yourself for positive change with an astrology reading.
Quote by Louis de Bernie'res in Corelli's Mandolin:
"Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate very second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don't blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being "in love", which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident." I read this the other day while getting ready for a keynote talk. I have been wanting to write something on how "love ages". This says it perfectly. Love is not perfect. It will never be what it was in the beginning of a relationship. However, it has the ability to be sustainable and become everything that you have ever wanted it to be in a partner if you are willing to ride the ups and downs, look at the warts of the relationship and turn them into something beautiful, remember what first attracted you and continue to have adventures with each other, allow the other person to be themselves and ask that they allow you to be yourself, and most important, have a sense of humour. I believe that if you can still laugh together, then you can still love together. I have been up, down, in, out and back in love again in my 42-year-old relationship, and I would not give up one moment for the growth and giving that I have experienced working out things with another individual. It is so very easy to give up, and I am not saying that everyone should stay together; there are sometimes circumstances that are too difficult to work out. It does take two people to work through things. However, if you are in a relationship in which you can take each other through the Journey of Aging together, finding new things to love about each other and being reminded of that young person you fell in love with, I can tell you from experience it is truly a great place to be at this stage of your life. LIVE...LOVE...LAUGH... by Leslie Traill - Astrologer, Speaker, Author and Certified N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner/Coach Love is a personal and cosmic experience...It includes energy, affection, caring and it is expressed in words and actions as well as in sexuality. If we can open ourselves to love it can pass through us to another and back again.
What if you had the ability to know how you love and who you would be best suited for in a Romantic Relationship? Astrology is an incredible tool that enables you through the interpretation of your chart with another's to see how well you will relate to each other and how you open up to love or guard yourself against it. We all want to find the "perfect partner", however, does this exist? Perhaps you think the perfect partner is one whom you have no conflict with but this can degenerate into a boring relationship. We all need to be challenged and when you put two people together who enter a relationship with some compatibility and some conflict this makes for excitement. An Astrology Chart enables you to see how you receive and give love as well as the kind of person that you would be best suited to. When you find someone whom you think a relationship can blossom with, Astrology can help you to see how the two of you relate so that you can improve the negative aspects and enjoy the positive. This Offer Is Still Available A Couple's Compatibility Reading can be a fun and rewarding experience. Purchase a Couple's Compatibility Reading for Valentine's Day and surprise your loved one with a unique and enlightening gift that will continue to give after February! $250 Couples Compatibility Chart: New and old relationships alike can create anxiety...largely due to the many unknowns about the object of your desire. Can you trust them? Do you have common interests? Have your chart compared to your partner’s and learn not only who you are, but where opportunity lies in your future together and when you may encounter bumps in the road. by Leslie Traill - Astrologer, Speaker, Author and Certified N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner/Coach The process of infertility treatments is often exhausting and frustrating. The science of astrology can help you determine what dates are best for procedures like in vitro fertilization or when a couple collectively is ready to begin trying. Saturday, October 31st, 2020 we will experience a Full Moon. The Hunter's Full Moon is the Full Moon right after the Harvest Moon. Native Indians went out to hunt for their food for the Winter during this Moon.
In Astrology it is also a Full Moon in Aries. The Full Moon each month is in the sign directly opposite the Sun Sign on a particular month. We are still in the Sun Sign of Libra and therefore the Full Moon is in the Sign of Aries which is the Polar Opposite of Libra. A Full Moon in Aries is a highly spirited and courageous time. It can be an emotional time when people speak their mind. The caution is to speak your truth calmly and not with anger. If you have something important to say to someone to clear the air, it may be wise to speak about it once the Full Moon is over. by Leslie Traill - Astrologer, Speaker, Author and Certified N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner/Coach |
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Leslie Traill Astrology - Toronto, Ontario
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Leslie Traill Astrology - Toronto, Ontario
Copyright of Leslie Traill Astrology 2013 - 2021. All Rights Reserved. Website designed by STS Marketing Agency.